Alessandri Claudio - Il mistero, santa Flavia e altri racconti
Si tratta di una
raccolta di ventuno racconti brevi, argomenti vari che percorrendo un percorso
variegato, dalla storia palermitana, al racconto nel quale compare, nel mondo
di un giornalista venuto dal "Continente" per scrivere una cronaca
sulla chiusura delle miniere di zolfo siciliane, un avvenimento che lo proietta
in un mondo, per vari aspetti surreale, nel quale alla fine, suo malgrado, si
trova a condividere i metodi non ortodossi di uno strano personaggio che,
utilizzando una "misteriosa parabola" lo conduce, suo malgrado, a
condividere, violentando la sua stessa natura di uomo "civilizzato" a
giustificare dei delitti misteriosi. In un altro racconto, raccolto dallo
scrittore, torna prepotentemente il ricordo del narrare trasognato di un
giornalista "da trincea" che è riuscito a effettuare, lui solamente,
una intervista alla madre del bandito Giuliano nel giorno della sua morte
violenta. I racconti proseguono fra fatti di cronaca nera, gli inizi pittorici
del "grande" Renato Guttuso e una ricostruzione storica, chiaramente
ironica, sulla figura, simbolo e gloria del partito della Lega, Alberto da
Giussano. I racconti proseguono nel ricordo di fatti, lontanissimi nel tempo,
che riemergono nella mente adulta dello scrittore che da bambino, ha vissuto
nel piccolo paese di Santa Flavia ai piedi del Monte Catalfano sulla cui vetta
giacciono i ruderi della città punica di Solunto, per giungere alla fine, a un
delirio della mente ammantato dal mistero di una atmosfera archeologica vissuta
e adesso rivissuta nella fantastica ricostruzione della vita di ogni giorno e
la tragica distruzione della città ad opere dell'esercito siracusano.
Claudio Alessandri - The Mystery of Santa Flavia and other stories
It is a collection of twenty short stories, various
topics that varied along a path, from the history of Palermo, in which the
story appears, in the world of a journalist came from the "Continent"
to write a report on the closure of the sulfur mines of Sicily, an event that
throws him into a world, in many respects surreal, in which in the end, against
his will, is to share the unorthodox methods of a strange character, using a
"mysterious parable" leads him, against his will, to share , violating
its very nature of man, "civilized" to justify the mysterious
murders. In another tale, collected by the writer, comeback memories of dreamy
tell a reporter "from the trenches" who was able to perform, he only,
an interview with the mother of the bandit Giuliano in the day of his violent
death. The stories continue between facts of the crime, the beginnings of
paintings of the "big" Guttuso and a historical reconstruction,
clearly ironic, on the figure, a symbol of glory and the party of the League,
Alberto da Giussano. The stories go on in the memory of facts, far away in
time, re-emerging in the adult mind of the writer as a child, he lived in the
small town of Santa Flavia at the foot of Mount Catalfano on top of which lie
the ruins of the Punic city Soluntum to reach in the end, a delusion of the
mind shrouded in an atmosphere of mystery and archaeological lived now revived
in the amazing reconstruction of everyday life and the tragic destruction of
the city of Syracuse army works.
Claudio Alessandri - The Mystery of Santa Flavia and other stories
It is a collection of twenty short stories, various
topics that varied along a path, from the history of Palermo, in which the
story appears, in the world of a journalist came from the "Continent"
to write a report on the closure of the sulfur mines of Sicily, an event that
throws him into a world, in many respects surreal, in which in the end, against
his will, is to share the unorthodox methods of a strange character, using a
"mysterious parable" leads him, against his will, to share , violating
its very nature of man, "civilized" to justify the mysterious
murders. In another tale, collected by the writer, comeback memories of dreamy
tell a reporter "from the trenches" who was able to perform, he only,
an interview with the mother of the bandit Giuliano in the day of his violent
death. The stories continue between facts of the crime, the beginnings of
paintings of the "big" Guttuso and a historical reconstruction,
clearly ironic, on the figure, a symbol of glory and the party of the League,
Alberto da Giussano. The stories go on in the memory of facts, far away in
time, re-emerging in the adult mind of the writer as a child, he lived in the
small town of Santa Flavia at the foot of Mount Catalfano on top of which lie
the ruins of the Punic city Soluntum to reach in the end, a delusion of the
mind shrouded in an atmosphere of mystery and archaeological lived now revived
in the amazing reconstruction of everyday life and the tragic destruction of
the city of Syracuse army works.